Thursday, February 5, 2009

Tuna Mac Salad

I have to admit it. I never, ever, ever - in a million years- thought I would be making and eating a tuna salad. It's just not my style. Tuna fish sandwiches? You bet! But a salad?! Well, that just sounds too Grandmommy-ish for a hipster like myself.
Wait a minute while I pick myself up off the floor. Hipster! I can't believe I said that! Ha!
Well, now that I have have brushed my rump off and managed to get back in my chair, I can tell you that this recipe simply, intrigued me. You see, my beloved Fisha-head (Whom most of you know, but I have decided to begin making anonymous because of the embarrassing things I sometimes leak out here.) loves tuna fish. He eats tuna fish with a spoon. No crackers, bread, or anything. Just a spoon. He eats it for a meal and then will sneak in a have more for a snack. Needless to say, a single, large can of tuna doesn't last very long around here and since my goal every time I cook is to have leftovers for lunch, this predicament is unacceptable.
I guess I don't have to tell you that it passed the Fisha-head taste test, but my own, also. I found it on a great new site - Oh! and guess what?! I changed it. Surprise! Well, I know you're not but humor me some. The original recipe called for lettuce to be mixed in with the salad. However, that wouldn't work for leftovers. So - It had to go. I also made a few more changes, but nothing to drastic. Here goes!
I've decided my kitchen lighting is not very good for pictures. (Considering I have a huge florescent box on the ceiling, I shouldn't be surprised.) I'm going to start using a lens that helps with florescent lighting and try to get Photo Shop. Maybe that will help my pitiful, photo-taking self.
OK. I'm finished moping.

First you need to boil some eggs. I only had small eggs that somehow materialized in my fridge. So, I used 4 of them. Normally, I would have used 2 large eggs. In another pot, I boiled one cup of elbow macaroni according to the package directions.

Now, what's tuna without onions? So chop up 1/2 of a small onion.
Looks like I'm fixing to get part of my thumb in there too. Don't worry. I missed. Oh! I know it is hard to tell from my hands, but I am a girl. Very much so. Don't let the manly hands fool ya!

Next chop up 3 ribs of celery and 1/2 a large bell pepper.
Yes. I did put in celery. Even though I think it useless, other people seem to like it. Since trying to please my hubby is the most important thing.... Oh I can't go on. It's a filler! Anything to make tuna last longer! I'll even drop to the lows of adding celery. I'm so ashamed, right now.

I had to add a bit of kick. Mostly to get Fisha-head back for his recent jalapeno ambushes when it is his turn to cook. So, it is optional, of course. I just added one jalapeno - with seeds! I'm bad to the bone!

Now take all this beautiful deliciousness and dump it in a bowl. A large bowl to be exact.

Chop your eggs.

Drain one large can of tuna in spring water, (Only the best for Fisha-head!)

Add the cooked, drained, and rinsed macaroni. And stir it up some.

Pour in the juice of 1/2 a lemon.
I frankly don't mind cheating with bottled lemon juice. However, if you are a purist (Why are you reading this for goodness sake?) go beat up an innocent lemon. I don't care!

When you have finished all this back-breaking work, it should look like this.

Now comes the gooey part. Add 1/2 cup of mayo. 1/2 teaspoon of paprika, and salt and ground black pepper to taste. Stir it all up

I said, "STIR! Sister!"

You should have ended up with something that looks like this.
Now, I personally think this would be very yummy over a bunch of salad greens. Unfortunately, I am out of salad fixin's at the moment. However, it tastes pretty darn good without the lettuce stuff. It's up to you.
I just can't keep from thinking just how much farther this recipe would stretch with lettuce though...... Let me know if you like it after you Take A Bite!

Hey! I realized that it might be easier to make a recipe if you could get it without all the annoying photos. So, here's your chance.
Tuna Mac Salad
2 large eggs or 4 small eggs
1 cup elbow macaroni
1/2 cup onion, chopped
1 cup green bell pepper, chopped
3 stalks celery, chopped
1 jalapeno, chopped (optional)
1 large can of tuna in spring water
juice of 1/2 a lemon
1/2 cup mayonnaise of your choice
1/2 tsp paprika
salt and pepper to taste
Boil eggs and macaroni, in separate pans, til done.
Mix together onions, celery, bell peppers, and jalapeno (if desired.) Add tuna.
Drain and cool eggs. Drain macaroni and rinse. Dice eggs and add to tuna mixture. add macaroni to tuna and stir. Add rest of ingredients and stir til well coated.
Can be eaten with lettuce, as a salad, or as is. Serve either immediately or after being cooled in fridge. Enjoy!

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